Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 6...The Road to A´Rua

Just a little more on Day 5...we ended up eating dinner with 3 younger people from London.  Hermano (32 year old cardiac doctor), Nadia (33 year old hedge fund manager) and Faye (38 year old owner of The Chelsea Day Spas) kept us laughing & entertained with stories of their lives living in London & their tales of the Camino.  So fun...!

Sorry to be so late with day 6.  We have had trouble connecting to the internet in our hotels.  I thought having Mary on this trip would have meant a constant source to staying connected.  Little did I know :)  We still don´t have Wifi on her computer at this point.  I´ve resorted to using the hotel´s computer, which will not allow me to upload pictures & has a different keyboard with spell check operating in Spanish.  Please give me a little slack if there are some typos.

Day 6 was probably the easiest day we had.  The weather was absolutely beautiful and the elevation was pretty flat.  We finished in A´Rua in the afternoon & had dinner with the couple from Washington DC and another couple from the Coswalds outside of London.  We ate at a restaurant that served typical Spanish fare...which has been a huge challenge for me & Mary.  If you do not like octopus, french fries, flan and bread, you will starve in northern Spain.  We did have what they call a Tortilla on the trail which is great.  It´s an egg, potato & cheese pie (kind of like a potato omlette with no crust). 

We also met lots of other people that day too.  We met up with Hermano & Faye while walking.  We ran into Diane from New Zealand again.  Every time she sees us she says ¨Hello Aunt Mary¨, which I find to be pretty amusing.  I also met this amazing family from London.  I was taking a picture one of my prayer cards on a mile marker when they came up behind me & were trying to read it over my shoulder.  I told them they could read it & tried to hand it to them.  They proceeded to tell me that they had been reading my cards since Sarria, Spain.  I told them about the letter I wrote and what I had been doing & we just really connected.  I told them that I was headed to London for Josh´s soccer tournament at Royal Holloway College too.  Stephanie (one of two daughters) then tells me that´s where she attended University.  I couldn´t believe it.  Truly...what are the chances that a mom, dad & 2 daughters from London follow my prayer cards & we find each other during a 111km walk.  Just incredible to me...

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