Saturday, August 3, 2013

 (Day 3 was spent in transit from Santiago to Sarria.  It was a 2 hour taxi ride, which felt like FOREVER.  It was really daunting driving all that distance, knowing we had to walk the entire way back!)

Day 4

We began our day early in Sarria and ended around 4p in Portomarin.  It was a great day but proved to be much more challenging than I originally thought.  The terrain was hilly and filled with all sorts of walking surfaces.  From gravel to stones, to paved roads & dirt...we covered it all (trying to avoid fresh cow patties wherever possible).  We met a teacher from New Hampshire, a banker from Maine & a couple from Washington DC.  Most people speak Spanish which is making me regret now learning a little before we came here.

As you can see from my photos, we passed many shrines today.  I began leaving my treasured prayer cards along the way too.  These have been a spiritual gift to me & have started to add so much to my experience here.  Thanks to all who contributed...I'm so glad I did this.

We ended our journey in this little town called Portomarin.  It's filled with "pilgrims" of the Camino.  We are at this great hotel and met people from Australia & New Zealand at dinner.  Tomorrow is a 15 mile day that has similar terrain as today, only steeper!  Off to bed for a much earn rest...

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