Sunday, August 4, 2013


 Day 5...Our journey to Palas de Rei

I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write about from our LONG, HOT walk today.  I could write about the hot beating down sun & how it felt like heaven in the shade.  I could write about the long stretches of paths that intertwined with the road and small hamlets and the array of aromas that fill the air.  I could also write about how this was another day that I hadn't prepared for mentally & felt tested physically at points.  But, what I want to write most about are a couple "things" that happened along the way.

First, both Mary & I turned to our music about half way into the day.  I don't know if we ran out of things to say or if we just needed a new distraction to make the miles a little shorter.  She tuned into Neil Young & the soundtrack from O' Brother Where Art Thou...and I cranked up Emblem Three (thanks Mackenzie!), Taylor Swift and some other songs I found on iTunes before I left.  At one point, I think Mary & I were both singing out loud to our songs...we had definitely found our happy place. was a great day for meeting people.  We met a lady name Diane from New Zealand who has been on the Camino since May, a couple from Holland who have been walking since March, a 20 year old boy from northwestern France & a group of ladies my age (with kids) from Leon Spain.  These people, while we only talked to them for a brief amount of time, are really adding dimension and entertainment to each day. was a day where I continued to be surprised by the endurance, sense of humor and passion for life that my Aunt Mary has.  She ate that walk up today.  It was hot.  It was long.  It was out of her comfort zone...and she handled it like a champ.  I'm so lucky to be having this kind of time with her to connect, learn & grow with her.  She's truly a gift to me...& this day made me appreciate her even more.

ps.  we have 18 miles tomorrow...who knows what I'll have to say about her after that!


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