Monday, August 5, 2013

 Day 5  We've made it to Azura, Spain
Today was a great walking day.  The sun hid behind clouds which made it cool and comfortable for most of the day.  We traveled through many little hamlets and met this nice cow along the way.  The animals here are present in sight and smell at almost every turn.  As I type this, we can hear one loud cow mooing outside our window.  Since our room doesn't have AC, I'm hoping she sleeps when we sleep tonight. 
I bought a walking stick before we began in Sarria.  I decided to leave it with one of my friend's prayer cards along the path today.  When I began this my backpack was filled with all the "stuff" I thought would be useful or needed.  What I've come to learn is that you need very little out here.  You need a guidebook (if you like knowing what you're looking at & the mileage you're covering), money, sunblock, music, chapstick, candy, water, a camera, your passport, a pen, sunglass & a hat, a poncho (which thankfully hasn't been needed yet)...and that's about it.  I highly recommend having your luggage transported from city to city.  Not carrying the weight of "everything" else has really been wonderful.
When we arrived in Azura, we checked in to our hotel & I quickly headed back out to explore a little.  I didn't make it a block before I heard..."hey...Cincinnati!".  I turned to find Peter & Vicki from Austrailia.  I sat with them for about an hour and talked about our travels, our kids, where we've come from and why we are here.  It's funny how similar we all are even when we live on opposite sides of the globe.  You think you really know this & understand it, but it took me taking this trip to actually live & breathe it. 
Off to A'Rua tomorrow...
Ps.  Cannot tell you how much I miss ALL of my boys right now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there favorite cousin!! I just realized you are blogging as well---been following Mary's. I'm enjoying reading about every step of your way...makes me feel like I'm right there with you guys.
    Keep on steppin' and blogging!
