Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day One: 

And so our journey began.  We arrived at CVG to find our delayed flight even more delayed.  They rerouted us through Houston which meant we were to arrive in Cambridge a couple hours later than expected.  After 12 hours of flying, 2 trains, a ride on the Tube & a short distance with a friendly taxi cab driver, we finally were off & walking in the UK. 
In a nutshell, Cambridge is the most historic, beautiful college town I've ever seen.  Buildings from the 1400, 1500 & 1600s line the cobblestone streets and stunning gardens.  We went punting on the Cam river with a nice young chap named Justin.  He showed us churches, colleges, cows owned by scholars, the library where Shakespeare wrote and told of us the history behind it all.  We then decided to just wander around.  We went into churches we probably weren't supposed to be in, almost got run over by all of the bikers and put in a prayer request at the Chapel at Queen's College.  All of that in just an afternoon.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...